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Controller are a great way to group different logic of your application, and most Controllers have the capability to accept multiple requests and respond as needed.

Spry allows you to register routes by implementing a RouteCollection in your controller, so you can register routes in your controller.

Now, let's create a TodosController to handle routing for our Todo application.

class TodosController implements RouteCollection {
    void boot(RoutesBuilder routes) {
        final todos ='/todos');

        todos.get('/', index);'/', create);':id', (todo) {
            todo.get('/', show);
            todo.put('/', update);
            todo.delete('/', delete);

    /// Index todos.
    Future<Iterable<Todo>> index(HttpRequest request) {
        return Todo.all();

    /// Create a todo.
    Future<Todo> create(HttpRequest request) async {
        return Todo.create(await request.json());

    /// Show a todo.
    Future<Todo> show(HttpRequest request) async {
        final id = request.param.get('id');
        final todo = await Todo.find(id);

        if (todo == null) {
            throw Abort(404, 'Todo not found.');

        return todo;

    /// Update a todo.
    Future<Todo> update(HttpRequest request) async {
        final id = request.param.get('id');
        final todo = await Todo.find(id);

        if (todo == null) {
            throw Abort(404, 'Todo not found.');

        return todo.update(await request.json());

    /// Delete a todo.
    Future<void> delete(HttpRequest request) async {
        final id = request.param.get('id');

        await Todo.delete(id);

Then, we just need to register the TodosController into our application and it's ready to use.
